The Young Professionals Committee works to encourage the active participation of the younger members of VWEA and VA AWWA. The committee plans events that are open to everyone but are designed to draw interest and encourage active participation in the Associations. Through the work of the committee, the younger members from both organizations are provided with networking, leadership, mentorship, educational, and community service opportunities. The committee also works with the Membership Committee to help recruit members into both VWEA and VA AWWA by promoting the benefits of membership.

The committee consists of a Chair, appointed by the President, and five (5) Vice-Chairs taking the leadership in the sub-committees:

Northern Virginia YP Committee
Central Virginia YP Committee (Richmond area)
Eastern Virginia YP Committee (Hampton Roads area)
Southwestern Virginia YP Committee (Roanoke Area)
WaterJAM YP Committee

Please feel free to contact any personnel listed below if you have any questions or wish to get involved. We look forward to meeting you and helping you enrich your membership experience with VWEA and VA AWWA.

Click here to see the AWWA Young Professionals Programs to access information about scholarship, career and internship opportunities, and the AWWA Young Professionals Committee.

Oct 23, 2024
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM UTC-04:00
Hardywood Park Craft Brewery - Richmond
Oct 28, 2024
4:30 PM - 6:30 PM UTC-04:00
Super Rad Arcade Bar
Check out the many great events planned by the Young Professional Committee throughout the state.  
They include:
  • Networking Happy Hours
  • Service Projects
  • Plant Tours
  • Lunch and Learns
Committee Leadership
Hunter Ritchie | Chair
Ritchie Environmental
Frank Harksen | Central Vice-Chair
Kristen Walls | Eastern Vice-Chair
KBJW Group
Brittany Loveless | Northern VA Vice-Chair
Loudoun Water
Cassandra Izzi | Western VA Vice-Chair
Bedford Regional Water Authority
Lizzy Merin | WaterJAM Vice-Chair
Fairfax County