Seminar Presentations 

Keynote Address
Dwayne Roadcap
Virginia Department of Health (VDH), Office of Drinking Water
VDH - ODW Harmful Algal Bloom Plan
Aaron Moses
Virginia Department of Health (VDH), Office of Drinking Water
Regulatory Updates and Trends Important to Water System Resiliency
Steve Via
American Water Works Association (AWWA)
America's Water Infrastructure Act - New Risk Assessments and Emergency Response Plan Requirements
Karen Edwards-Lindsey
EPA Water Security Division
AWIA of 2018 - Positioning Your Utility for Long-Term Resilience
Corinne Ketchum and Ryan Joyce
Factors Affecting Uncertainty of Future Water Supply and Quality
Dr. Stephen Schoenholtz
Virginia Water Resources Research Center
Virginia Tech
PFAS Treatment Strategy for a Surface Water Treatment Plant
Carel Vandermeyden
Cape Fear Public Utility Authority
Release of Intracellular Cyanotoxins during Oxidation of Naturally Occurring and Lab-cultured Cyanobacteria
Dr. Katie Greenstein
Des Moines Water Works
Preparing for and Recovering from Extreme Weather Events - City of Houston Lessons Learned
Yvonne Forrest
Houston Water
How the Smart Cities Efforts of Newport News Waterworks Enhances Resiliency in the Region
Louis Martinez, Newport News Waterworks
Jessica Hou, Gannett Fleming
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