Are YOU prepared for a water contamination incident?

WLA’s Sampling Guidance for Unknown Contaminants in Drinking Water is designed to provide utilities, emergency responders and laboratory personnel with comprehensive guidance that integrates recommendations for sample collection, preservation and transport procedures of unknown samples.

By highlighting how to use the WLA’s Sampling Guidance for Unknown Contaminants in Drinking Water, this webinar will:
  • Examine recommendations for pathogen, toxin, chemical and radiochemical sample collection, preservation and transport procedures that support multiple analytical approaches for the identification of potential contaminants in drinking water.
  • Present examples of what is required for a comprehensive sampling program.
  • Show how the guidance can be used to enhance laboratory, utility and emergency responder preparedness by supplementing emergency response plans.
Thursday, November 9th
1:00 - 2:00 PM
Webinar Registration: 