Understanding the Threat Environment for Utility Customer Service
Building a good customer awareness program and open communication with staff will greatly increase some levels of safety and security for staff, other customers and the utility as a whole. During our presentation we will look for an opportunity for open sharing of utility issues, both seen and known, and how to address them. Awareness of our situation is a great measure of our readiness. Site surveys as part of the 2018 AWIA program can help address issues and build security and readiness programs.
Your Speaker
Ike Eisenhart, President | Infrastructure Protection Specialist
Iron Hart Consulting, LLC | Past VA WARN Co-Chair
As a career specialist in security and risk assessment, Ike began work as a professional consultant in 2018. Iron Hart Consulting LLC is an Infrastructure Protection and Preparedness Company, designed primarily to work with the Water/ Wastewater industry with Hazard Preparedness Planning for all types of CISA defined critical infrastructures. Services include the implementation of Tabletop Exercise planning and execution, working with utilities and other Critical Infrastructures in producing Emergency Response Plans, Pandemic Plans, Risk and Resiliency Compliance items, (2018 AWIA), and Continuity of Operations Planning (CoOP).
About the VA AWWA Customer Service Committee
The Customer Service Committee works to promote and encourage sound customer service at Virginia utilities. They serve as hosts for the Annual Customer Service Workshop and AWWA's Customer Service Certificate program. The Committee meets online monthly to provide support to its members and to plan future events. All are welcome. Learn more about this committee here.