The Laboratory Practices Committee (LPC), a joint committee of Virginia Section American Water Works Association (VA AWWA) and the Virginia Water Environment Association (VWEA), was formed to identify and address laboratory concerns, promote professionalism in laboratory practices, and to sponsor a conference each year on new and changing laboratory methodologies and requirements.  The LPC provides an incredible resource for sharing information and expertise in a variety of areas, and networking opportunities available within the LPC have proven to be a unique and vital service to the laboratory community as well as the memberships of both VA AWWA and VWEA.

The LPC's Annual Good Laboratory Practices Conference consists of two days of a wide variety of presentations and workshops.  Various hands-on workshops provide practical training that analysts can use in their daily activities as well as providing continuing education credits.  Technical session topics cover a wide range of interests, from specific analytical issues to regulatory updates to new technologies to laboratory management and quality assurance. 

The LPC conducts a one-day laboratory seminar consisting of four different presentations at the VA AWWA / VWEA Joint Annual Meeting (WaterJAM).  The LPC also solicits nominations for and awards the Water Environment Federation's (WEF) Laboratory Analyst Excellence Award, which is presented at WaterJAM.  (Please check back for the nomination form and instructions.) 

The LPC meets every other month for discussions, subcommittee projects, technical presentations, and lunch.  Please contact the Chair for more information.


Committee Leadership
Jacquelyn Austin | Chair
Lynchburg Water Resources
Committee Meeting Schedule
Zoom Meeting
(Please contact committee leadership for connection information)
Upcoming Committee Events