Posted on Jan 13, 2022
Requires the SCC, in any ratemaking proceeding for an investor-owned utility authorized to furnish water or water and sewer service initiated after January 1, 2022, to evaluate such utility on a stand-alone basis and, for purposes of establishing any revenue requirement and rates, utilize such utility's actual end-of-test period capital structure and cost of capital without regard to the cost of capital, capital structure, or investments of any other entities with which such utility may be affiliated. Requires SCC, in all proceedings initiated after January 1, 2022, in which SCC reviews the rates and associated earnings of an investor-owned utility authorized to furnish water or water and sewer service, to conduct such review utilizing the same cost of capital and capital structure adopted in the utility's most recent rate case in which such rates were set, without regard to later changes in the cost of capital or capital structure.
1/10/22 Referred to Commerce and Energy
1/25/22 Subc recommends reporting (8-Y 0-N)
1/27/22 Reported from Commerce and Energy (19-Y 3-N)
2/2/22 Passed House (67-Y 32-N)
2/3/22 Referred to Commerce and Labor
2/21/22 Reported from Commerce and Labor with amendment (15-Y 0-N)
2/24/22 Passed Senate with amendment (39-Y 1-N)
2/28/22 Senate amendment agreed to by House (69-Y 29-N)